Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Better Your Resume

It has comes to my attention that having an excellent resume is essential for you college career. I attended a workshop that helped me see what is really important to highlight and what things can be left off your resume when creating one. Below is a website that I found through the PRSSANational Twitter that gives helpful tips on writing your resume.

1. Eliminate the clutter
2. Spell check and grammar check
3. Include social media
4. Ditch the template
5. Consider keywords

EIU Going For A Smoke Free Campus?

Not exactly, but there plans for designated smoking areas. Right now this a current debate on campus due to Eastern's Tobacco Coalition that was visited the Charleston City Council, Faculty Senate and Student Senate in hopes to promote their latest idea of a smoking free environment. Now I know this will cause much controversy and enforcing the designated areas would be difficult, but this would be great PR for our campus if this plan were effective and successful. There aren't many campuses that are smoke free and I think that this idea should really follow through. There is nothing worse then walking behind someone on your way to class and getting a breath of smoking air in your face.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Twitter Bad for Relationships?

A new study is showing that people who use Twitter are more likely to have a shorter real-life relationships. Here is the link to the article that talks about it.

More Good PR for Disney

Recently, the Walt Disney Company decided to extend their support to all the military families by giving them special discounts. Read more about their decision.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Here is another video that is very similar to the "Social Media Revolution".

Social Media Revolution

This is an interesting video put together about the revolution of social media. I think it is really impressive and a great music choice to get the adrenaline pumping while watching it.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Here is a podcast that me and another classmate (Heather Derby) created. This podcast overviews a "fake" art exhibit, Nihonga that is coming to Eastern Illinois University's campus.

Download link of podcast: